How do i add a space in text

how would i make my text have a space as if i pressed enter. is there a certain code? i want it to look like:

[color=blue]here is some text

heres the other text bjalkjds;lkfja;sdlkjf[/color]

i tried putting the text and then just hitting enter, but then it doesn’t work. is this possible w/ only 1 text field?

cough u just press enter cough

well im loading the code in from a frame. so its like:

_root.text1 = “blah blah blah
blah blah balh”;

and when i press enter it gives me an error message. is there a certain like break code or something i use?


you could use html :slight_smile:

_root.mytextfield = textline1blabla<br>textline2blabla
<br> is for line break

man this doesn’t whow the html code :smirk:
It just adds a new line…
well the line break in html is
“<” + “br” + “>”

i dont quite get this. what do the is and for do?