How do I animate button on mouseover

Hi all,

Newcomer to the forum (but a big user of the tutorials for a while now), and self taught in flash 5, meaning I know enough to build a site in flash, but there are random gaps in my knowledge…

What I’m trying to do is this: I’m building a site where the main page is an illustrated office area, and I’m trying to figure out how to create buttons that when you mouse over them, they play a brief animation (some will animate the actual object moused over, and some will play a brief animation within the illsutration) - as an example… when a monitor is moused over, it will “power up” and play a little intro on the screen, or when the phone is moused over, it will ring and the receiver will lift off the base and shiver, and a head will poke into the office door.

It seems I can either create an animation (which has no mouseover option) or a button, which has limitations… is there a way to script it so that a button will still direct to the next scene on release while playing a brief animation when moused over?

I’m having some problems going about how exactly to lay this out - ANY help would be greatly appreciated!!
