How do i format recieved vars

ok i have the recieved loadvars, but how can i format the results so they show up like the listings going across on

with the information recieved going across not down… here is the returned loadvars:

// Create another LoadVars instance to receive the server’s reply
replyData = new LoadVars();

// Specify a function to call when this new instance receives the reply.
replyData.onLoad = handleReply;
// Submit the order data
formData.sendAndLoad(submitURL, replyData, ‘POST’);
// Tell the user what’s happening.
message_txt.htmlText = “Submitting search, please wait…”;
function handleReply(success) {
if (success) {
message_txt.htmlText = “Your search was received:”+chr(10)+chr(10);
for(var i = 0; i < Number(replyData.totalNum); i++) {
if(replyData[‘url’+i] != undefined && replyData[‘url’+i] != ‘’) {
message_txt.htmlText += “Venue Name: <a href=’”+replyData[‘url’+i]+"’ target=’_blank’>" + replyData[‘venueName’+i]+"</a>"+newline;
} else {
message_txt.htmlText += "Venue Name: "+replyData[‘venueName’+i]+newline;
message_txt.htmlText += "Address: " + replyData[‘address’+i] + newline;
message_txt.htmlText += "City: " + replyData[‘city’+i] + newline;
message_txt.htmlText += "State: " + replyData[‘state’+i] + newline;
message_txt.htmlText += "Zip Code: " + replyData[‘zipCode’+i] + newline;
message_txt.htmlText += "Area Code: " + replyData[‘areaCode’+i]+chr(10);
message_txt.htmlText += "Phone: " + replyData[‘phoneNumber’+i]+chr(10);
message_txt.htmlText += “<br>”;

} else {
message_txt.htmlText = “There was a problem submitting your search. The server may be down or not responding.”;