Just learning to use Flash CS 5.0 The publish preferences are set to AS 3.0, Flash Player 10, JPEG 80%. Ask if you need more information, please.
I have just completed a project and upon publishing it found the swf file to be bloated. I looked at the report found 411K to be Action Script and 10k to be EVERYTHING else! The key is that I did no coding at all. I used the standard motion tweens, but the project is very, very simple. I have one moving graphic and about 10 pieces of text fading/zooming in/out.
I should note that all my text has been converted to symbols.
Another person in my class doing the same project output to 66k and has no Action Script in his swf file. I tried publishing my project on his machine to no avail.
Any suggestions?
Thank you all in advance for your input and time.