How do i play a sound on rollover?

read the subject.:b:
im making a new footer for kirupaforum and i want to have a small sound play on rollover of a certain part of it. i was wondering wat the code was and where should i put it.

thanx in advance:cyborg: :bandit: :slight_smile:
That will teach you the basics, you’d only have to change the event handlers to rollOver and rollOut. :wink:

And keep in mind that the size of your footer must be less than 15k…

its only a 3kb sound


OK!! :wink:

No problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

eh, i still cant do it.

What seems to be the problem?

Also, there are a bunch of threads about sound. I’d recommend a search. :sigh:

soz, no problem. I CODED IT MYSELF!!!

my first time of coding…i feel so proud ;):slight_smile:
thanx for ur help

Well, you should be proud… :wink:

And again, no problem. :slight_smile: