How do i stop cs3 from caching xml while i test?

I’m sure most have come across this at least once, but its starting to annoy me as I’m cleaning up xml my brother did and when making changes flash is making a nasty habit of caching the xml files it has opened.

Found somewhere that one idea is to just increment a letter onto the url ( its php, so an extra var isn’t going to kill it ) but thats tedious and time wasting.

I’ve been through settings, and yes, i see you can clear the cache of the player on a page, but the player used by flash when previewing the movie doesn’t seem to do this.

anyone got a decent workaround ? ( i mean besides passing the time in seconds through as another variable, which i guess would work but c’mon, surely adobe isn’t this senile…)

I had a similar issue years ago (flash mx 2004) and the only solution was the one you mention, adding a different string at the end of the url.

I never got again this problem…

Depending on the browser when I upload a new swf I have to open a new window (explorer), refresh without cache (control/command + shift + R in firefox), or simply refresh (safari) to get the new swf instead of the file on the cache.

Just use a cache buster at the end of your XML call.

Something like

XMLlocation = "something.xml?r=" + Math.random();

yeah, i feared as much, hate using code like that as when i look at it in a years time I’m gonna loose sleep as to why I did it that way.


or I could add comment about it…

still tho, pretty astonishing that they havent given us control of the preview cache in flash cs3. That would probably be the most annoying place to leave it out… next to in the run time player. Wonder how many wasted hours of dev time people have spent trying to debug ghost values.

^ yeah a preview cache buster option would be key.