How do i vertically align text inside of a div

okay… i think this should be an easy one! i’ve got a “navigation bar” at the top of my page, which is a large div tag, with two smaller divs inside.

"logo" div contains a logo, and "navigation" contains text navigation links. the size of the nav bar is set to 40px in hieght. the logo is 39px high. [color=red]i want the navigation text links to sit at the very bottom of the 40px high div. how do i do that?
i’ve seen and tried various attributes (align bottom, baseline) , but they dont seem to be working the way i want - with those, for some reason the text just ends up in the middle of the div…:h:

here’s the code i’ve got so far that ISNT working right:

 div.navigation { 
min-height: 39px;
margin-left: 10px;
line-height: 39px; 
font-size: 8pt; 
vertical-align: bottom; 
display:inline;/* ie double margin fix*/






what am i doing wrong? i’m no CSS master, thats for sure, so maybe there’s just something wrong in my code i dont see!

thanks for any help!