How do u make a enemy follow your character?

hey I’m kind of new 2 AS3, I’m working on this game for my project and I’ve been looking all over on for tutorials on how to make a enemy chase after your character. Can someone help me with this problem please , it’s driving me nuts…lol:sen:

If all you want is to have some ‘Enemy’ movie clip follow a ‘Character’ movie clip you could do it with an event listener like this

// add an event listener to your Enemy movie clip
myEnemy.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, follow);

// define how close you want the Enemy to be
var offsetX:int = 50;
var offsetY:int = 10;

// then have a 'follow' function which will get called every 
// frame because of the event listener

function follow(e:Event):void
    // all it does is set the Enemy's coordinates
    myEnemy.x = myCharacter.x - offsetX;
    myEnemy.y = myCharacter.y - offsetY;

No doubt there’s tons more to your game than just that (like, how are you moving your character movieclip?) but maybe it’s a start.