How do use buttons to control movie clip?

hi ppl, i am flash newbie, i am trying to use buttons to stop, play, go forward, go backward and go back to start and i cant seem to make it successful. help anyone? :asian:

Play:[AS]on (release) {
Stop:[AS]on (release) {
}[/AS]Place these on your corresponding buttons.

yeah i put those but cant…

But can’t what?

Are your Buttons targeting a Movie Clip Symbol?

erm… wats that?? how to target the movie clip?

What I mean is, do you have a Movie Clip Symbol on your Stage and want your Buttons, when pressed, to go somewhere inside that Movie Clip?

yourButtonName.onRelease=function ();

to stop change gotoAndPlay with gotoAndStop or Stop

yeah i have a movic clip symbol, wat i want is when i click play the movie will play and when clip stop it will stop on where it is. Then when click play again it will play on where it stop.

Okay, that script I gave you in my first post should work.

erm… it dont seem to work