(1) expire a swf within a certain number of days after it is first run.
I know I can use getDate() to determine the current date. However, how to I have the swf (1) determine the current date (2) save this info somewhere and (3) have the swf expire (say 60 days after it is first ran).
(2) expire a swf on/by a certain date.
Any help on the code here would be great.
I am also looking samthing like that. Pl. tell me if you get such code any where.How ever if you want some .swf with same property then i can give you the same if you can de compile and can see.
Would it not be possible to use flash cookies to place a date onto the users machine, which could then be parsed on preloader entry to check the date in the cookie against the current date.
If an overall expiry date is require, why not just embed your set expiry date into the preloader and then just use flash date and time functions to do a comparison.
dates are drawn from client pc so it’s not smart doing it like that
also cookies can be deleted so it can start from a scratch
best way is to make login system with PHP and MySQL
I think it’s most real software like
I recently made credit system for videochatting and that’s how we did it