That’s pretty much it…
I’ve got text in a dynamic text box and I want to link it to another scean.
Thanks all.
That’s pretty much it…
I’ve got text in a dynamic text box and I want to link it to another scean.
Thanks all.
thanks heaps for your help flash4food, but i want just one word to be linked. Not the whole text box…
that way i could link more than one word in that text box to different pages. hope i make sence…
e.g. once a bird walked along a building.
i’d link just the word bird to the birds page and link just the word building to the buildings page.
** (ignore my stupid e.g. it’s all i could think of at the time)
thanks again.
Have you even read my reply?
textfield.htmlText="< a href=“asfunction:gotoScene,label”>bird< /a>"
in frame:
function gotoScene(label){
(this is not copy/paste code as i inserted spaces to display the html here without it being parsed…)
…just as Claudio said: asfunction…did you read his reply?
Yes claudio, I did read your reply…I sent PM’s to you…remember.
I searched for asfunction and absolutely nothing was listed!!!
and eyezberg, can you explain how to put this onto the text in the dynamic textbox…Thanks
textfield.htmlText will do just that, textfield being the instance name of your textfield.
it’s not good practice the PM mods about questions, just post them on the forums so everybody can take advantage of the answers…
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