I’m building an array from several MySQL tables. I have done it two ways but I’m not completely satisfied and I would like your opinion on how you would do it.
Those 3 values should be gathered from 3 different tables.
Table WorkProvided
Table Clients
Table Services
Let’s say I need an array with 3 values:
[2]=client name and the service name
So if i make a query to WorkProvided, I get the clientID and serviceID, but I need that [2] contains the actual name of the client and service name.
I usually make 3 arrays: workprovided, clients, services. and then do a foreach loop where i match the clientID, and added to the array, and match the serviceID and match it to the array.
I also have a function in progress
function createArrayFromMySQL($tablename, $columns){
$array = array();
$data_array = array();
// analyze columns and make sure they exists
// get number of results, and create a for loop $i<$number_of_results
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tablename;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
foreach($columns as $key_cols => $value_cols){
$table = $value_cols[0];
$match = $value_cols[1];
$incoming = $value_cols[2];
$query_{$key_cols} = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table;
// find a way to only do the repetitive queries once
// maybe save results into a dynamically generated array
// if you echo the following, you'll see what i mean
// echo $query_{$key_cols}.'<br />';
$result_{$key_cols} = mysql_query($query_{$key_cols});
while($row_{$key_cols} = mysql_fetch_array($result_{$key_cols})){
$data_array[$table] = $row_{$key_cols}[$match];
// break loops when a match is found
$data_array[$value_cols] = $row[$value_cols];
$array[$i] = $data_array;
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($array);
// echo '</pre>';
return $array;
I know this problem is very common when working with PHP/MySQL. What is usually your solution?