How dose this code work

if(!$page || $page == ""){$page = "main";} ?>

<?php include ("$page.html"); ?> 

could anyone explain wht this code dose??

I was trying to make my fusion news page the default page and

still have a php include for my other pages. Someone told me this

is the code but i don’t know what to change. and also the fusion

news page is a.php page but everything else (m content pages)

are .html pages. dose that matter!! please help

if $page evaluates to false (is 0 or an empty string) or is an empty string, $page is main.

Then, include the page with the title that is currently held in $page (for example, if $page holds the string “main”, the file “main.html” is included.

Sorry, that is all I can help you with, as I am not familiar with fusion news.