How famous is this Flash vs. Apple thing?

[size=1]I tend to lead a very isolated life, and I don’t care much about the news.

A couple years back, there was a giant earth quake (or was it a bridge collapse? I forget) where hundreds of people died or something, and I didn’t hear about it until several weeks later when a group of people were talking about it and assumed everyone at the table knew what they were talking about. :stuck_out_tongue:

And due to now living in Sweden, I hear of even less current events (if any, really)[/size]

The issue of Flash vs. Apple I do know, because it affects me, (and, of course, I heard it on these forums), but how much does the outside world know of this issue?

Are only Flash developers aware of this war, (which I would have assumed had it not been for the overwhealming amount of news articles on the matter) or is this issue capturing the attention of people outside of the “Flash circle”?