i have an idea for a site in wich you would be looking through a helmet visor so to speak and , have seen the actionscript like on some of the photo scrollers around where when ya move the mouse the thing rotates left or right how hard would it be to incorporate that with a background that goes on and on such as the tut here for the moving background ?
hope this makes sense
sorry iβm not sure which moving background you meanβ¦? do you mean this tutorial?
if not can you direct me to the right one plz so i can understand hwat you mean
actually that tut is what i needed thanks :geek:
This is for Flash 5. Since youβre using MX, you can do all that much mor easily (other tute here: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/scriptable_masks.htm )
pom :cowboy: