How long does it usually take for the DNS to update? I bought a new domain thursday night ( and it still isn’t up
do weekends count? or is it a computer program? what exactly does the DNS do?
How long does it usually take for the DNS to update? I bought a new domain thursday night ( and it still isn’t up
do weekends count? or is it a computer program? what exactly does the DNS do?
On average it takes 24 to 72 hours for DNS data to propogate. It should be showing up by now.
The DNS records are how your domain name is converted to a IP address so data can be routed to the proper server.
Your new domain is listed when I do a WHOIS lookup at Network Solutions. I suggest contacting your web host, or whoever you have hosting the DNS records (SSLNETWORKS.COM) and make sure they have your site listed properly.
DNS = domain naming service. It’s basic purpose is to map a
name ( to an IP address. Usually this IP address is
unique to the world, but it can also be to a server that handles
the name requests and shows the appropriate site by name. It’s
also referred to Name Resolution.
Usually, DNS updates in 24-48hrs to the where most of the world
can see the update. However, it’s the world that this info
has to travel to be updated. Some parts the world’s network are
slower than others, and can take much longer.
What registrar did you use to buy the domain? I use
and I never have to wait any longer than 1 day.
I used through the last time I registered a site it only took about a day for it to work. I think I’m going to call them, but they’re not open on Sundays .
thanks for the help guys
Barbdwyer Web Design
Registered through: SSLcatacomb Network
Domain Name: T6SQD.COM
Domain servers in listed order:
looks like the registration went through. Their servers are probably
off on sundays too.
Wow, i’m stupid, thanks for showing me that Unflux lol it was supposed to be sslnetworking instead of sslnetworks lol
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