How Many Projects Do You Have on the Go?

So I just went on a mad cleaning frenzy of my programming folder and of all the various crap I found in there, there was only 2 fully complete projects :frowning: Along with that I have:
[]4 AS3 projects that are at various stages of completion
]26 AS2 projects that are for the most part done but need converting to AS3
[]10 classes which are generally useful more than once
]1 HTML/CSS navigation panel thingy
[]10 tutorials, 5 completed 5 not
]An alarm clock I use every day to haul my lazy butt out of bed with 120dB of JoJo :beam:
[]A word document with all of the ideas I have for future projects
]4 smilies, two on the forum: (:hoser: :mountie:) and two that Kirupa turned down [whisper]cries[/whisper] ( )
[*]And I think I even saw a partridge in a pear tree somewhere in there
Oh yeah, and about [SIZE=“3”]1 billion[/SIZE] FLAs, SWFs and AS files that were used to answer questions here - most of which are sitting in my recycle bin getting their last rites.

Now I’m betting that most of you here have 1000 times all of that. Let’s here it! Feel free to spill any top secret projects you may have that are going to be worth millions.