How much would you charge for

… a cd rom. An autorun type job, just one file, probably a projector. It will include 6ish sections, including a gallery, and a form where it works out a price quote. This won’t be a bodge job, I plan to make it a goodun. The logo and identity was made by me for free and I don’t want the price of this cd to reflect that. I will deliver a single working cd which the client will copy themselves. I will also be updating it now and then but nothing too heavy, just the addition of extra images and that. This can be a roughish guess a I plan to charge quite a bit less than the going rate anyway. Thanks in advance.

BTW, I put this thread in mx04 coz that’s what i’ll probably make it in and it doesn’t really fit anywhere else, so if anyone wants to move it, blah blah blah.