How noisy is YOUR computer

you know whats quiet? that nec ecomate whatever. that is super quiet. im not exactly sure why but phew. you cant even hear the thing

Big K said it. My friend has a Dell and I kept walking up and pushing the power button cuz i couldnt hear it running (it was infact already on). Personally, I think one of those Mac G4 Cubes, with the convection cooling (so no fan at all) would be fun. But do take into consideration what Marz said…

I had an AST. Took it in to see if the computer doctor could fix an alarming gurgle, rattle and hum. The cure was rather intricate … he PUNCHED it. WHAM! No more audible problems.

Harmonic hum from the case being slightly incompatible with the other goodies. Who’da thunk it? :crazy:

I have a dell something or other and it has never made a sound… now that i think about it, thats really weird… its a great little machine… never hear a peep… it isnt really that stubborn… i think im in love with it :love:

… must be a very soothing and tranquil relationship. :slight_smile:

oh yeah
you should see what it can do with its a: drive