How Painful is Tattooing?

um well remember - someone is sticking a needle into your skin. :wink:

yes there is quite possibly some blood. I’ve killed mosquitos that had more of my blood than what came out of my tatoo process but again, it was on the ankle and there isn’t a whole lot of blood going on down there.

Also, again, if this is happenning on the back of your shoulder you won’t even notice! :smiley:

The best thing you can do is bring a portable music player with your favorite calming music and just chill out and enjoy the experience - it’s something you’ve never done before and might not do again so get into it. :thumb:

Ok that sounds like a good idea :slight_smile:

I have one on my forearm (hurt like hell), one on my right bicep (hurt like hell) and one on my left bicep (hurt like hell). And I bled alot of mine. All in all it is not terribly bad, the scabbing and healing after can be a lil painful as well. You really have to keep it clean and covered.

lol you went for the muscle and meat eh?

I went jet skiing in the ocean immediately after getting mine and the salt water didn’t bother it at all.

secretinish you’ll be fine. be sure to post pics after you get it done! :thumb:

God you are brave!! I should just do it and not think about it


Yeah I got one on my back that is in a circular shape it’s about 8 inches in diameter … right between my shoulder blades and it didn’t hurt that bad, especially after they started it … it was more of an annoying pinch that some little kid wouldn’t stop doing … it’s not near as bad as some make it out to be … (but as said before, it def. depends on your own threshold for pain and where the tat is located)

Just reading your post causes me pain:stare:

Getting ink kinda reminds me of a really bad sun burn :lol: Man, DO NOT forget you got it when you are drying yourself off after a shower! That scratchy towel can cause you more pain then you think.

[ot]My grammer is the worst :lol:[/ot]

Man Tattoos are so fun to get. It’s not really pain, it’s just sort of a weird sensation. Don’t psyche yourself out before you do it. It’s lots of fun and it’s always a blast talking to your tattoo artist. I’ve got a band on my fore-arm and another tattoo on my right bicep and neither of them really hurt, there were a couple sensetive moments, but nothing bad.

As others have said, under no circumstances should you drink or take any kind of drug before hand, the last thing you want is thin blood. Also if you’re afraid of blood you’re going to definitely want to look away. I bleed pretty well about 5 - 10 minutes after I get mine done and it always shocks the tattoo guys. It doesn’t hurt or anything, I don’t even notice until I feel something drip somewhere. Really though, just don’t psyche yourself out, it’s a fun experience, you shouldn’t set yourself up for a negative one. :slight_smile:

You might want to look into that as well :wink:

seriously - you’ve never had a shot at the doctor’s?

Lol - i don’t think i’d ever want a tattoo. Imagine when ur old and the tatto gets all wrinkly- yuk :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, imagine that, I was just going to post a topic about tattoos, but this one was already here =)

How much would it be ballpark for a small, just black tattoo (maybe 2 or 3 inch radius, really simple design)?

I want to get a tattoo of the caffeine molecule (haven’t decided where yet)

Some other ones that I was considering were a mario extra life mushroom, something written in binary, or something written as a barcode (so when you scan the tattoo it comes up in the reader :P)

But I’m leaning towards the molecule

What do you guys think?


Yeldarb - 40 - 70 bucks probably. Depending on size and shop. Most places institute of a 40 - 60 minimum, and generally charge 100 - 150 an hour. I’d go for the molecule, you’ll hate the other one’s when you get older.

it’s painful. but i liked it so much. I never had a pain like this before. Coz i waited this for 4 months. I have a tattoo on my left arm. it’s not so big and not so small. i say only one thing for who wants to get tattoo.
are you really want it or just interesting.? if you just interesting, forget about tattoo. coz tattoo is on your skin. and it will be till your death.
Hey guys show us your tattoos. tomorrow i’ll bring my picture and post it here.

I’d really like to get a tattoo and was thinking of the attached image. A friend of mine drew this for me based off a character I created. I can’t find the original on my site but this is close to what I want.

When my daughter gets a little older I was going to get all three kids faces tattoo’ed on my back or chest.

I have used a reqular gun on myself without ink and its not that painful think of a cat scratch but less irritating! lol

Off topic:
lol im 14 and have built 5 diferent guns using magnetic force xD

Does that imply that you are prolly the next-gen terrorist in the making, using hi-tech magnetic mumbo-jumbo weaponry and warfare?

Anyway… Could someone please suggest me a tattoo size? I plan on gettin it on my left-bicep.

Doesn’t really work that way. Figure out what you want first, make sure you REALLY want it (I thought about mine for 3 or 4 years before I went through with it) and then find the place on your body it will fit.

Don’t just get one to get one - you’ll regret it later.