How prevent recurent creating of menu

I use this code for creating menu:

// naming of menu_button
items = ["O firmě", "Průmyslové chlazení", "Klimatizace", "Bílá technika", "Servis", "Reference", "Kontakt"];
// function for attaching sound for menu_button
function MenuSound ()
s = new Sound ();
s.attachSound ("rollOver");
s.start ();
MovieClip.prototype.asBut = function ()
this.btn._alpha = 100;
this.txt = items[this.i];
this.onRollOver = function ()
MenuSound ();
this.t = true;
// new Color (this.flake).setRGB (0x000000);
this.flake_mc.gotoAndPlay ("flake_rotate");
// trace _alpha of menu START
trace ("this.btn._alpha = " + this.btn._alpha);
// trace _alpha of menu END
this.onRollOut = function ()
this.t = false;
this.flake_mc.gotoAndStop ("flake_stop");
// new Color (this.flake).setRGB (0xFFFFFF);
//onRelease actions for button menu
this.onRelease = this.onReleaseOutside = function ()
trace ("this.button " + this.num + " is CALLED");
trace ("this.num = " + this.num);
trace ("this.i = " + this.i);
// load content if menu_button clicked
myTarget = _root["container_" + this.num + "_mc"];
myTargetDepth = myTarget.getDepth ();
// load movies in containers if button clicked
if (this.num == 1)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_1");
trace (_root.myTarget + " called");
else if (this.num == 2)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_2");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
else if (this.num == 3)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_3");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
else if (this.num == 4)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_4");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
else if (this.num == 5)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_5");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
else if (this.num == 6)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_6");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
else if (this.num == 7)
_root.gotoAndStop ("btn_7");
trace (_root.myTarget + "+ called");
trace ("CURRENT FRAME = " + _currentframe);
this.onEnterFrame = function ()
// fading for menu_button
this.btn._alpha += (10 * this.t * (this.btn._alpha < 100) - 4 * !(this.t) * (this.btn._alpha > 50));
// function for creating menu
i = 0;
function makeMenu ()
_root.attachMovie ("menu_button", "menu_button" + i, i);
_root["menu_button" + i].i = i;
_root["menu_button" + i].num = i + 1;
_root["menu_button" + i]._x = 40;
_root["menu_button" + i]._y = 200 + 23 * i;
_root["menu_button" + i].asBut ();
if (i > 6)
clearInterval (id);
id = setInterval (makeMenu, 50);

Menu code works fine, but I have one problem now.

If I first time load external SWF into the main SWF, than is the menu recurent created. How can I prevent it?

I think it makes the action attachMovie

It happen only first time if i load one of external SWFs.
The external movies I load on next frames of the _root of the main SWF.

Please look the example here:
When site loads than click on one of the menu buttons, you see than the change over the menu, this is in effect the creating of the same menu.

Thank you for suggestions.

Note: The site is not finished yet ;), I work on it.