How should i organize mysql db and tables in this case?

i’m making a site like this: but i’m not sure how to make my database.

i was thinking in make a table with “id” “title” “text” “author” and “visible”(to change between visible or temporary hide, while i don’t accept the submission)
but i guess this will give me many problems to put all titles together in the same table when i have many entrys.
so i thought i should make a table for each title… but then i don’t know how to query the db for the latest 10 entrys don’t matter which title it was.
maybe i should not organize my tables this way… this was how i imagine it.
can someone help me a bit with this?
if were you how you would make a site where the structure will be the same that the one i mentioned before but with a different subject.

Thanks in advance for any advices and help.