Hello guys! This is my first post here, so hi to everyone.
Now, my problem is as follows:
I’m trying to make a simple fake os in cs4. I’ve made a start menu movie clip, that contains buttons (my computer, settings, etc), and then I imported the menu movie clip to another project. Displaying the menu when clicking on the start button was no problem, but now I don’t know how to define actions on the buttons. Since most of the buttons in the menu will also be present on the desktop as icons, I’d like to make a common function, that both icons and menu items can call. I’m more into Java, and am doing this project as a project for school, so I’m pretty new to actionscript, but looking through tutorials, I’m making pretty good progress.
EDIT: sorry for the misspelling on the forum topic.
EDIT2: sorry again, but due to my inexperience with flash, I hadn’t noticed the buttons have shown up in the library.