How to combine php and Flash?

Hi there it’s me again… :slight_smile:

I’m building a site with flash mx and i would like to have an email form in it…

The only thing the visitor has to do is fill in is his name, email address and message and click “Send” that’s all.

My major problem however, is that i have never ever worked with anything like PHP or MySQL :*( only html.

I searched through the forum to find some info on how to make a mail form. I found lots of stuff on how to make the code and how to prep flash.
But as i have no experience with PHP I have no idea how to use it. How does it work? Which programs do i need? How do I use it? Am I supposed to stick the PHP code in an index.html file and put that on the site…:q: :q:
I haven’t got a clue as to how it works.

I also looked at the tutorial Jubba made but it doesn’t explain it enough for me.

I have DreamweaverMX and FlashMX and a webspace that can handle PHP.

Can somebody please help me? Because I really want to use this nice function.

read the whole thread:

Thnx I’ll take another look at it…

there is nothing else that really needs to be explained. what isnt working for you and we can figure out what is wrong with your script/file

Ok i’ll let you know when i get stuck (if i get stuck)

thnx for your time Bubba :slight_smile:

Kirupa converted this to a tutorial…

Here are some more…