How to configure a flash contact form?

I downloaded a flash template recently to familiarise myself with flash.
I managed to kind of understand how the template works.

However i cannot get the contact form to work?
The form has the following input boxes -

first name (variable name t01)
last name (variable name t02)
email address (variable name t03)
telephone number (variable name t04)
comments box (variable name t05)

Am i right in thinking that the contact form forwards to a CGI form such as FormMail?

Also what Actionscript do i add to the send button?

I hope someone can help please?


Was it already set up to send to the email script? If so, there should be some code somewhere for the submit button.

Yes it was already set up but i cannot find code anywhere???

I’m going to have to contact the people i downloaded it from.

Thanks for replying mate!

I managed to find the code for the Clear and Send buttons.

The Clear button has the following code -

[COLOR=red]on (release) {
_parent.t01 = “”;
_parent.t02 = “”;
_parent.t03 = “”;
_parent.t04 = “”;
_parent.t05 = “”;

unfortunately there is no code for the Send button.

Would this code do for the Send button? -

[COLOR=red]on (release) {
if (t01 eq “” or t02 eq “” or t03 eq “” or t04 eq “” or t05 eq “”) {
stop ();
} else {
loadVariablesNum (“form.php”, 0, “POST”);
gotoAndStop (2);
[COLOR=black]I have already tried this Send button code but it does not do anything!! Any help would be appreciated please!!![/COLOR]

I’m getting a little desperate now!!!

Flash templates are always insanely hard to modify, I suggest doing things yourself or getting someone you know to do one. LoadViablesNum is the code going to your script yes.

Since you are familarizing yourself with flash couple thing I should point out.

  1. the “eq” string operator has been depreciated since Flash 5 what you may want to do is does a search on this forum for contact forms…