How to control a movie from another loaded movie?

Nov 8th 2003

How to control a movie from another loaded movie ?

The movie index_splashscreen.swf is loaded on level 0 on which there is a button assigned
with the following action :

on (release) {
gotoAndStop (35);
loadMovieNum (“flash/email_form.swf”, 3);

The movie “email_form.swf” loads onto " index_splashscreen.swf" covering it up completely but I´ve got a trouble :

  • index_splashscreen.swf has 2 buttons that keep quite active but not visible , what will
    certainly confound the visitors ;
  • that´s the reason of that gotoAndStop (35) because on frame 35 the buttons are not there yet ;

As I don´t wish to employ unload on index_splashscreen.swf I wonder a way to to control this
movie from a “close window” button placed onto email_form.swf ;

when close button is pressed the movie clip txtmc which is inside index_splashscreen.swf
will play and go to frame 40 (the complete path is _root.whiteningmc.txtmc) ;

Is there any way to do it ?

Thank you very much for any help.

13 views so far but no answer ;

does someone know if what I asked is possible ?

i didnt answer because the only way i know fo is local connection. i did something but i did it in 2004, so i’m not sure if flash 5 even supports it. search google for local connection