QI’m going to attempt to clearly explain my problem, hopefully i do ok.
I have a main swf. All the main swf contains is some buttons and an empty movie clip. the buttons load up a bunch of different swfs. I will eventually have like 20 + swfs to be loaded into this main file. Each swf is it’s own interface with at least 4 flvs you can play.
In my main swf,
I have a movie clip on the stage that has an instance name of box. And the first swf I have is called “movie1.swf” this swf loads automatically in the 1st frame. This is the “feature”.
This is the code I use to load up the swfs.
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader()
var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“movie1.swf”);
box.x = 0;
box.y = 0;
THIS stuff is my menu button. When You click on the top_btn which is the instance name for my menu button, it pops up a white box over the stage that contains a list of different swfs to jump to.
top_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openIT);
function openIT(event:MouseEvent):void {
This close_btn is in the pop up menu, and tells the menu to go and play frame 13 where the close animation is…
close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeIT);
function closeIT(event:MouseEvent):void {
It looks REALLY bad when there is an flv playing in the loaded swf doesn’t pause when the menu pops up.
I know this code works to pause a flv if it is in the same swf as the button.
pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pauseit);
function pauseit(event:MouseEvent):void {
I need some way that when the top_btn pops up, the flv that is in the swf that is loaded at the time pauses.
Thanks so much for ANY help!!!