Hi guys,
would like some help on enabling logical sorting of numeric and textural data loaded from CSV file. And also how to style the header with a block colour (i.e. no gradient). Below is what I have so far but for some reason the numeric sorting on the ‘total’ column isnt working and the header is still gradient
var sortListener:Object = new Object();
sortListener.headerRelease = function(event) {
if (event.target.columns[event.columnIndex].columnName) {
if (event.target.columns[event.columnIndex].columnName == "Total") {
var arrayOrder:Number = Array.NUMERIC;
event.target.columns[event.columnIndex].sortOptions = Array.NUMERIC;
if (dataGrid_mc.sortDirection == "DESC") {
arrayOrder = arrayOrder | Array.DESCENDING;
dataGrid_mc.sortableColumns = true;
import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
// make the header block blue with white labels
var headerStyles = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
headerStyles.setStyle("color", "0xFFFFFF");
headerStyles.setStyle("backgroundColor", "0x3B73B9");
dataGrid_mc.setStyle("headerStyle", headerStyles);
dataGrid_mc.setStyle("fontFamily","GE Inspira");
dataGrid_mc.setStyle("alternatingRowColors",["0xF0F0F0", "0xFFFFFF"]);
var csvLoad:CSV = new CSV();
// ::NOTE:: Use the columns array to set the column headers if you don't want to use the first row in the CVS as the headers
//csvLoad.columns = new Array('Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3');
// ::NOTE:: If the values in your CSV are surrounded by a qualifier you should set that before you load the data file
//csvLoad.qualifier = '"';
csvLoad.onLoad = function() {
// Ouput data to Macromedia's Data Grid UI Component
dataGrid_mc.dataProvider = this.data;