Hi, I’m trying to update an old flash 5 site I made years ago so that I can put video clips in it. I opened the file is flash cs3 and compiled just to see if it would work as is before modifying. It’s hanging on a bunch of code, all which have eval() in them. It’s been a loooong time since I coded actionscript so while I know that the bracket syntax is what I should be using, after trying various ways of writing it I just can’t figure it out. Can someone tell me how the following should be written in Actionscript 2.0 and I can extrapolate from there? thanks!
eval("_root.chaosanim.particle" + i + “.scaleloop.scaletarget”) = 220;
eval("_root.chaosanim.particle" + i + “.scaleloop”).gotoAndPlay(2);
eval(movie add “.moveloop.targetx”) = targetx;