How to convert SWF to GIF?

I wanna make a “SWF” animation with low resulotion (e.g 32x64 pix) to show in sign boards or LED matrix boards. The procedure is : after making my animation, i have to convert “SWF” to “GIF” , after that i will convert the “GIF” to “HEX” and then i use this “HEX” file in my programming codes to flash on microcontrollers and so on. I can convert “GIF” to “HEX” without any issue but my problem is converting “SWF” to “GIF”.
While converting “SWF” to “GIF” , the converting process has a smooth effect on edges in output file and this smooth will corrupt my favorite convert. Smoothing edges will cause to shape distortion on my HEX output file. I need a convert with completely sharpen edges and maximum contrast. I’m looking for a solution or a software that converts my “SWF” files without any smooth edges. In other words My porpuse equals to ‘low quality’ option on flash animations that somtimes we see in flash games. I tried many convertors but all of them convert the files with smoothing edges.
Is there anyone that help me to solve this?
thnx and sorry for bad english.