AWW!! Nuts, i had spent 20 minutes posting a descent reply with LOADS of questions and stuff, and it hasn’t shown up!!! I’m so mad!!!
I will try and say what i said last time:
Thankyou very much for your reply Kirupa, i appreciate all you’ve told me, and it should help me alot.
I am not too familiar with PhBB and stuff, so that confuses me.
I have lots more questions too Kirupa, i dont think the questions belong in this forum, but i’d rather post her than waste time and space making a new post in another forum:
1.) On the grass tutorial (Flash MX i think), the finished preview you did doesn’t work.
Also, the same with the backlight affect one, i spent ages reading 5 pages worth of stuff, but never got to see the final, finished example:(
2.) On the tutorial for doing a Tell Target rollover affect thing (i cant remember the name of it).
I did it all and stuff, but when i clicked play, it just played through the whole lot. On your example though, you had to highlight the buttons for it to play the rollover type effect. Have i done something wrong?
I had about 4 more questions, but iv completely forgotten them now!! Grrr!!
May i also comment on your superb selection of smilies, your amazing forums (I wish i had forums like these), and your unlimited amount of Flash tutorials.
This website is purely amazing.
Also, for my website, i want an advert on it. And the advert i want on it, is an advert to this site.
I dont want to charge you for it either. But, could you possibly make a Really cool advert, linking to your site so that i can add it to my website.
I pressume that u would make it in Flash, but i dont know how to add Flash movies to my FrontPage site. If it is impossible to do so, then try and save it as a .GIF perhaps?
(Im still really annoyed, because i had tonnes to say before, but i lost it all!!!
:o )
Once again, great site - and it would be an honour to have an advert leading to it on my website!