Im trying to create loop which will creat 4 new textfields and will put text into each field. The variables are already definned. But i doens’t seem to work. Could someone please help me?
detail2 = "test2";
detail3 = "test3";
detail4 = "test4";
detail5 = "test5";
for (var i=1; i<=5; i++) {
this.["mytext"+i].multiline = true;
this.["mytext"+i].wordWrap = true;
this.["mytext"+i].border = false;
myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = "Verdana"
myformat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
myformat.bullet = false;
myformat.size = 10;
myformat.align = "right";
this.["mytext"+i].text = detail+i;