(I don’t speak English! I’ll try to write something understandable!)
Hi! I made the tutorial [COLOR=black]“Based[/COLOR][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=black] Email Form Using PHP”, and I add more fields. My .swf file contains the following fields:[/COLOR][/FONT]
My PHP script is this:
$sendTo = "pedro.spy@gmail.com";
$subject = "Contact";
$headers = "From: " . $_POST["name"] ." <" . $_POST["email"] .">
$message = $_POST["nome"]. "
". $_POST["adress"]. "
". $_POST["phone"]. "
". $_POST[email];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
Ok. When I receive a message posted through this Flash Email Form, it’s like this:
Pedro Henrique
279 Leonina de Oliveira Street
(35) 98060079
But I want to receive a message like this:
Name: Pedro Henrique
Email: pedro.spy@gmail.com
Adress: 279 Leonina de Oliveira Street
Phone: (35) 98060079
How can I add something to script to receive the message with those titles (Name: - Email: - Adress: - Phone: )?
Sorry for my English!