How to define encoding text sent from flash ? I got a flash mail form! Send mail - it is ok! But I want to define the text ( utf-8 I got Baltic fonts ) because I recieve unreadable text! It defined in flash or in my php file? Thanks! I am very beginner!
please help
In php of course.
mail(to,subject, message, "charset=\"utf-8\"");
HelloI’m new to php. I’ve found bits of info, made a flash form that sends php variables and the script e-mails them.
The text comes horrible, even though I used utf-8 from notepad when I saved the script, and added the line of code you suggested.
It still fails.
Please help.
I red something that helped me.
Use, in your flash actionscript:
System.useCodePage = 1
For me (I have the western ocidental coding in my ie) it worked out.
Good luck.