How to disable music on one flash file with another. Help needed!

I have a webpage with two frames - An outer one and an inner <iframe>. On the outer one, there is an embedded flash file, the mp3 player. On each page that is ever loaded in the <iframe> there is embedded the navigation header flash file. When the user clicks on the navigation, it changes the page in the <iframe> and refreshes the page. The reason I have the mp3 player on the outerframe is so that the music doesn’t restart when I change pages.

Here is the issue: One of the html pages that goes in the <iframe> has video with sound. I don’t want this to conflict with the music on the outerframe. So what I wish to do is to stop the music when I click on the videos html page and resume the music when clicking anything else from the navigation bar. However as they are two seperate flash files on seperate frames, how would can I implement this?

Would I have to edit the navigation flash file or can I have javascript detect which <iframe> page I am on and disable the music? Sorry I am new to flash and I haven’t been able to figure this out!

Any help is appreciated! - Thanks.