How to dispatch an Event while still Extending a Sprite?

I have a class that as of now extends EventDispatch so that I can add a few event listeners to an instance of that class. Any how here’s a link to that class. kirupaForum
The class is my full screen background jpg class.

I would like to extend Sprite so that I don’t have to pass it a reference to the stage and also so that I can treat an instance of that class like a sprite but,
then I would need a way still to and a addListener to the instance of that class as well. So how is this done?

From what I can tell now I need to implement IEventDispatcher which is an interface. But I don’t know much about the use of an interface nor do I have experience implementing an interface

what is an EventDispatcher member and how do I write simple hooks to route calls into the aggregated EventDispatcher.???