How to do something else after a prototype animation

I’m messing around with some text effects from a book.
Here’s the script:

MovieClip.prototype.OpacityTransition = function (max, min, step)
	this.messages = new Array(
    	"Offset Printing",
		"Promotional Printing",
		"Web Design",
	this.max = max;
	this.min = min;
	this.step = step;
	this.counter = 1;
	this.fadeIn = true;
	this._alpha = min;
	this.message = this.messages[0];
	this.onEnterFrame = function ()
		if (this.fadeIn)
			this._alpha += this.step;
			this._alpha -= this.step;
		if (this._alpha <= this.min || this._alpha >= this.max)
			this.fadeIn = !this.fadeIn;
			if (this.fadeIn)
				this.message = this.messages[this.counter++];
				if (this.counter >= this.messages.length)
					this.counter = 0;
message.OpacityTransition (100, 0, 5);

What that does is make a mc fade through each of the strings in the message array. What I’d like is to be able to load a new movie or something once the words fade out. I just don’t know where to put any gotoAndPlay or loadMovie in the above script.

Thanks :wink: