ok im no flash actionScript guru, but i have tried a couple different ways and nothing is turning out correctly. probobally because i do not have the knowledge needed to complete my task.
i have a 3d character spin exported as .jpg’s (50 frames_50 .jpg’s)
contained in a movie clip. my question to you all is…
“how do i make it so that the movie has a(n) startdrag script, so depending on drag left and drag right, the movie clip plays the desired .jpg’s? resulting in a character rotation based on mouse movement.”
i.e - drag to the right it starts playing frame 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9 and 10 of the jpg’s in the movie clip, and than on drag left it plays 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 of the jpg’s.?
any help would be very much appreciated, comments? links?
it wouldn’t be a startDrag script because you wouldn’t actually be dragging anything. It would be telling a movieclip to gotoAndStop() on a frame depending on where the mouse’s position is in relation to the car.
thanx both of you for replying, now my portfolio site can be complete! i know it’s wierd sayin thanx on the net in a way or mabye it me, but you have helped me a great deal.
see the wierd thing is i go to school for ocmputer animation (maya & max) and i need people to teach me how and just mess w/ it myself. but all of flash i have taught to myself?
i should have some MX components to share in about 5 days.
simple progressive percent preloaders
re-gressive preloaders
bubble script
and other various scripts for effects that i use on demand!