How to enable clicking through a movie clip?

So I’m making this game where an enemy is standing inside a tile. The enemy has MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT event listeners so that when you roll over it, it displays the enemy’s name, hp bar, and level. The tile underneath it is normally just there, however during the player’s attack phase the tile turns red, and gets MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT/CLICK event listeners so that when you click the tile, the player attacks the enemy standing on it.
Now the problem is that the tile is only clickable in areas that the enemy’s sprite is not covering. I’ve tried making the enemy’s mouseEnabled property to false, but this did nothing (maybe because the enmy has MOUSE event listeners?) Also I don’t want to remove the enemy’s event listeners temporarily during the attacking phase because when attacking you want to know the enemy’s hp. Can anybody help? Thanks!