[How to] Flash MX 8

Alrite…I’m working on a project…I wanna know if someone is really good at this…I know I suck at this…but I am willing to learn a lot…

How do we make a sprite move (so people can control it using the keyboard) ? I am working on a shockwave game…how do we make a sprite move with action scripts?

Here is a preview

http://mysticgaming.net/flash/eavspen/eawhitevspenzgreen.html (this is a mini video i’m doing)

The game will be different…where we can move it with our keyboard/joystick…

Edit: If you wish to take part of this community…please PM me or e-mail me at info@mysticgaming.net I have some couple of memebers helping out with sounds, ripping sprites and other stuff we’ll need to create this project…I’m planning to make this better than any shockwave out there…although playing against someone will be laggy (depending on the network code)