Hi there
I’m new here. Long time listener, first time caller.
Well, on to my problem:
I’m building a large animation, that consists of 1000 jpgs. I load these in 20 external swfs with 50 frames in each. I have a timeline where the user can scrub back and forth through the animation. I preload the clips first, and I have all the actionscript for the navigation down. So far so good…
BUT - it seems that the flash player uses up a little bit of RAM for every frame it displays, and I can’t get it to “release” the RAM again. I’ve tried unloadMovie (doesn’t work - it unloads the movie, but doesn’t free up the RAM). I’ve tried using removeMovieClip, and that works. The RAM is freed, but then I have to load the clips all over again (taking loadtime again, if even just a bit), if the user scrubs back to a clip that’s been removed.
Any advice?