How to have 15 movie clips playing at random?


I’m working on this project in Flash 8, Actionscript 2.

I’ve set up these 15 squares on the stage as movie clips and having them “flip over” when the user clicks on each one to reveal a second image on the back side of each square. After 8 seconds or so, the square turns back to the front side, while the user can continue clicking on other squares. If they click the same square a second time, a bigger square appears providing additional information.

So these 15 squares sit on the stage and do nothing until the user starts clicking. What I need to do is set up a script that either on load or after a certain amount of time, (of inactivity, perhaps), the squares start turning on their own, one by one, until it catches mouse movement and resets to the front of each square.

I already have each movie clip with the “flip” animations set up within them and they each have 8 second pause intervals before they flip back, I just need a “random” script. I don’t know how to get started on this, just about every tutorial I’ve found online on the topic of “random” is either about producing random numbers or moving an object on the stage to a random position. What I have is 15 movie clips that I want to play at random, and I haven’t found anything to really help me.

Even if it’s a direction I can start from, I need something to show me the right way and maybe I can figure the rest on from that. I also need it for Actionscript 2.

Attached is an example .jpg of my stage of 15 squares and how each box flips over.

Thank you in advance for any help possible.