How to import objects/movieclips?


I have this one movieclip… which is the NPC characters for my RPG… but i want to have my main movie in another swf…

Is there a way for me to “import” the NPC character movieclip… into my main movie for me to use it?

And… as i have more and more scenes in different swfs… i’ll just “import” the same NPC movieclip… so… that one NPC movieclip will be the same throughout all the different swfs…

is there a way to do that?

I’ve noticed that sometimes … people put things into files which has “.as” at the end… which probably means that they put all their actionscript into that file… is there like a “.movieclips” or something which allows me to do the same to movieclips that i’m reusing over and over again?

lol Hope you can understand what i’m trying to describe!.. lol If you need me to elaborate more… ask!
