I’m building a shared library of sounds, but am having trouble referencing them in code in the swf that needs them.
First I built the built the library and clicked ‘export for runtime sharing’.
Second I built another swf, went to file > open external library, and dragged and dropped the sounds I need into the new library.
Third, I tried to reference it in as3 the way I would normally:
var mySound:mySoundClassName = mySoundClassName();
and I get two errors, a 1046 and an 1180.
So my question is: how does one instantiate a sound item from a shared library in AS3?
[RIGHT]*okay, so I have a hack that works: I created a movieclip in the swf that contains the imported sound. I can reference this movieclip as needed and it’ll play the sound. But this seems sloppy and impractical considering how many sounds I need imported in this swf. So any help would be greatly appreciated. *[/RIGHT]