Hi! I’m trying to import an image and assign it to a Loader object, which works just fine, though I want to use the PNGEncoder rather than a the JPGEncoder, because if the source image has an alpha channel (transparency) I want that data preserved.
The code, or the encoder, or something is preventing or deleting the alpha channel data. What should be transparent is showing as white.
I anyone could point out the error I’d much appreciate it… This is my last major task and has been stumping me for months!
(Snip of code is below)
import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;
function Editor_fileLoadedCallback(event:Event):void
trace("Editor_fileLoadedCallback(event:Event) fileLoaded Complete, " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
_imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onByteLoad);
function _onByteLoad(e:Event):void
var scaleWidth:int = 300;
var content:Bitmap = _imageLoader.content as Bitmap;
content.smoothing = true;
var origWidth:Number = content.width;
content.width = scaleWidth;
content.scaleY = 1 / (origWidth / scaleWidth);
var m:Matrix = new Matrix(content.scaleX, 0, 0, content.scaleY);
var smaller:BitmapData = new BitmapData(scaleWidth, content.height, false);
smaller.draw(content, m);
_loaderByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(smaller);