I’m sure this is something basic, but I’m sort of tearing my hair out trying to figure out the best way to do this. I’ve tried to search, but maybe I’m not using the right search terms because I still haven’t found anything that completely helps.
The basic functionality is that I want a container swf (let’s call it “A”), which first plays one external swf (“B”) containing an external flv file (“b.flv”). Once it plays that file, it should load a different external swf (“C”).
I know it sounds simple, but I think I am just a bit overwhelmed. I know how to just load “B”, but how do I know when it has finished playing its flv file? The flv file will often change in length, and I have no control over the swf that references the flv (it is an ad being passed to our server). I have seen some examples where I could use a button to unload “B” once it’s done, and then load “C”, but I need it to just automatically go to “C” once the flv has finished playing. I assume that once it’s done playing, then I can unLoad it and then load “C”, but I’m just not sure where to start.
Do I need to use a Listener Object? Should I be using bytes loaded? I am really lost.
Thanks in advance!