How to launch 2 pop-ul windows in the same flash movie?.
I know the method with the “fscommand”, but this is just for a single buton.
Can some one to give me an ideea how to launch 2 diferent pop-ul windows,
ex is:
“A Button” -> press “A Button” -> launch in a (html) pop-up window http://www.kirupa.com
“B Button” -> press “B Button” -> launch in a (html) pop-up window http://www.kirupa.com
with fscommand, i can put the script only once, and both buttons will launch, the same windows, with the same link. i put in scrript http://www.kirupa.com, “A Button”'s pop-up and “B button”'s pop-ul will launch [url=“http://www.kirupa.com”]http://www.kirupa.com