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[quote=reblis;2333667]I tried to apply Tweener to this but I’m coming up short somewhere?
import caurina.transitions.*;
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
loader.load(new URLRequest("picture.jpg"))
function loadTheImage(){
Tweener.addTween(mcImage, {alpha:1,time:1, onComplete:timer1, transition:"easeoutExpo"});
Any ideas?[/quote]
I think that the error is here onComplete:function() I mean you have to call a function after onComplete event.
But I m not an expert… try read the documentation of caurina http://hosted.zeh.com.br/tweener/docs/en-us/ maybe it ll give some answers.
yeah that is a good catch but that wasn’t the problem.
Here is my new code that still doesn’t work. I figure I have to make the mcImage.alpha = 0 before and then fade it p but for some reason it’s not recognizing it.
I’m also getting this error;
ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on imageloader_fla::MainTimeline/startLoad(). Expected 0, got 1.
import caurina.transitions.*;
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
loader.load(new URLRequest("picture.jpg"))
function startLoad(){
Tweener.addTween(mcImage, {alpha:0,time:1, onComplete:loadTheImage, transition:"easeoutExpo"});
function loadTheImage(){
Tweener.addTween(mcImage, {alpha:1,time:5, transition:"easeoutExpo"});
[quote=reblis;2333762]yeah that is a good catch but that wasn’t the problem.
Here is my new code that still doesn’t work. I figure I have to make the mcImage.alpha = 0 before and then fade it p but for some reason it’s not recognizing it.
I’m also getting this error;
ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on imageloader_fla::MainTimeline/startLoad(). Expected 0, got 1.
import caurina.transitions.*;
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
loader.load(new URLRequest("picture.jpg"))
function startLoad(){
Tweener.addTween(mcImage, {alpha:0,time:1, onComplete:loadTheImage, transition:"easeoutExpo"});
function loadTheImage(){
Tweener.addTween(mcImage, {alpha:1,time:5, transition:"easeoutExpo"});
Ok then maybe… I say maybe… try this
function startLoad([COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]e:Event[/COLOR]):void { blah blah…
Place the e:Event into the function…I really don’t know how to call this!