Hi i have a question about loading external swf hosted on other domain. Swf file is loaded trough XML file. What to write to XML file to achieve load this external swf file trough another swf file. It depends with CONTACT. Here is code of XML.
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” standalone=“yes”?>
<logo X=“5” Y=“30”>content/logo.png</logo>
<menu showNav=“true”/>
<main Name=“HOME” Link=“home.swf”/>
<main Name=“NEWS” Link=“news.swf”/>
<main Name=“ABOUT” Link=“team.swf”/>
<main Name=“PHOTOS”>
<sub Name=“BLACK & WHITE” Link=“gallery_01_bw.swf”/>
<sub Name=“CIGARAFICIONADOS” Link=“gallery_02_cigar.swf”/>
<sub Name=“REPAINTED & PRINTED” Link=“gallery_03_repainted.swf”/>
<sub Name=“CUBA CARS” Link=“gallery_04_cars.swf”/>
<sub Name=“CALENDAR 2007” Link=“gallery_05_calendar2007.swf”/>
<sub Name=“CALENDAR 2008” Link=“gallery_06_calendar2008.swf”/>
<main Name=“PROJECTS”>
<sub Name=“BUENA VISTA” Link=“content.swf” toLoad =“content/window.xml”/>
<main Name=“PARTNERS & LINKS” Link=“content.swf” toLoad =“content/features.xml”/>
<main Name=“CONTACT” Link=“content.swf”/>