I have this code where the first image loads fine. What should I write under my onRelease statement to make the rest of the images load? Plus a bonusquestion: is there a way to get the number of images in my XML file in order to use this info to populate my navigation buttons?
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing);
//Navigation - how many buttons
var picNum:Number = 3;
var tweentype_resize = "easeOutExpo";
var tweentype_fadeOut = "easeInSine";
var tweentype_fadeIn = "easeInSine";
//Speed of the resizing border and the picfades
var speed_resize:Number = 0.4;
var speed_fadeOut:Number = 0.4;
var speed_fadeIn:Number = 0.4;
this.nav.btn1.alphaTo(100, .5)
this.nav.btn1.enabled = false;
// navigation
for (var i = 1; i<=picNum; i++) {
_root.nav["btn"+i].topText_mc.text = *;
// buttons
function hitButton(nbrID) {
btn = _root.nav["btn"+nbrID];
btn.nbrID = nbrID;
btn.onRollOver = function() {
this.alphaTo(100, speed_fadeIn);
btn.onRollOut = function() {
this.alphaTo(30, speed_fadeOut);
btn.onRelease = function() {
for (var i = 1; i<15; i++) {
_root.nav["btn"+i]._alpha = 30;
_root.nav["btn"+i].enabled = true;
this._alpha = 100;
this.enabled = false;
for (var i = 1; i<15; i++) {
// bildvisning
bar._visible = false;
containerMC._alpha = 0;
picinfo._alpha = 0;
var pArray = new Array();
var tArray = new Array();
MovieClip.prototype.loadPic = function(pic) {
this._parent.onEnterFrame = function() {
var t = containerMC.getBytesTotal(), l = containerMC.getBytesLoaded();
bar._visible = true;
per = Math.round((l/t)*100);
if (t == l && containerMC._width>0 && containerMC._height>0) {
var w = containerMC._width, h = containerMC._height;
resizeMe(w, h);
bar._visible = false;
picinfo.info.text = tArray[pic];
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
//bar._width = per;
bar.preInfo.text = per+" %";
function resizeMe(w, h) {
//border tween:
border.tween(["_width", "_height"], [w+2, h+2], speed_resize, tweentype_resize);
//pic and picinfo fade in:
containerMC.alphaTo(100, speed_fadeIn, tweentype_fadeIn, speed_resize);
picinfo.alphaTo(100, speed_fadeIn, tweentype_fadeIn, speed_resize);
//pic position:
containerMC._x = border._x+1;
containerMC._y = border._y+1;
//loading pics and text:
var gallery_xml = new XML();
gallery_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
gallery_xml.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var gallery = this.firstChild;
gallery_txt.text = gallery.attributes.info;
for (var i = 0; i<gallery.childNodes.length; i++) {
} else {
title_txt.text = "Error!";
//fade out pic and picinfo:
function fadeOut(pic) {
containerMC.alphaTo(0, speed_fadeOut, tweentype_fadeOut, 0, {scope:containerMC, func:containerMC.loadPic, args:[pic]});
picinfo.alphaTo(0, speed_fadeOut, tweentype_fadeOut);